It has been a long time since my last post! I should be ashamed, but as usual life got in the way of blogging fun. To quickly update you guys, I have been a busy bee in a pre-medical program and I am currently in the second half of the super long medical school application process. Hopefully, this all goes well and I'll be Dr. Jenna in a few years. Please pray for me!!
As for my hair, we have had some ups and downs due to school and just overall time constraints, but I think the two of us are recovering well. I relaxed my hair on August 22nd, and had about 2-3 inches removed to clean up my hem line. I've been working on full rollersetting these days, and it has gone surprisingly well. I did a set last week and got about 3-4 days out of it before my scalp went crazy. I forgot to post pictures, but I'll be setting it again tomorrow for the weekend so hopefully it will turn out well enough for pics lol. But here's a recent pic of the last time I blew my hair out:
I also wanted to mention possible new content for my blog:
I would like to add a weekly post related to women's health issues, including but not limited to hormonal conditions, general facts about sexual health and any requested or relevant topics to the world of women.
Please comment to let me know if this would be a feature you would enjoy!
Thanks for reading :),